Ready to free yourself from apolitical woo?

Intuitive Strategies Network is an online space for leftists to deepen their intuition and infuse it into their work in the world

Do you:

Imagine learning tarot and other intuitive tools at a digestible pace, in a supportive community, and without compromising your values

  • want to deepen your intuition, but keep on encountering a bunch of fash and fash adjacent bullshit in the process?

  • suspect that your intuitive practice isn’t fully welcome in movement spaces, even though you know it could be one of the things that turns the tide for our side?

  • feel burnt out from listening to members of your meditation group talk about taking horse dewormer instead of a vaccine?


Some stats from the first year of Intuitive Strategies Network


Do a deep-dive on essential topics in tarot with our 22-Day Major Arcana Challenge, or politicize your tarot practice in Introduction to Tarot for Liberation


Connect with network members in real time (IRT) in our monthly workshops that expand your knowledge of the nuts on bolts of intuition, and less discussed topics (that should be talked about more often!)


Revising a spread at 3am? Had a thought about ancestor work bright an early? The network is always on, and we have members all around the world. Plug in whenever works best for you!

Intuition is a kind of wisdom. It can help you:

Get clear about where intuition intersects with your values, not just in theory — but in application on a day-to-day basis

Make intuition-led decisions about where to place your efforts for highest impact and community good and merge it with the wisdom and logic you already possess.

Reclaim the feminized brilliance of knowing-beyond-knowing and employ it to enhance your work in the world, whether you’re stuck at a non-profit or making waves in your community (it’s probably both though, right?)


Ready to politicize your intuition? Learn at an easeful pace.

Intuitive Strategies Network makes tarot + intuition relevant to our world

…and our world is...well, it seems like it's sucking even harder than before. Which hardly seems possible tbh.

It can feel like connecting to your intuition wouldn't change anything, wouldn't help anything.

But that's not true!

When we hone our intuition, we're tapping into one of our survival instincts.

When we connect with our intuition, we understand our limits better, because we've checked in with ourselves and the unseen influences around us.

Intuition is a skill that helps keep us safe, authentically determine how to spend our time, and avoid danger.



Quarterly Courses in Intuitive Strategies Network provide you with a longer, goal oriented learning journey that complements the workshops for that quarter.


Monthly Workshops give you an opportunity to ask questions, talk to other community members, and try out out the ideas you’ve had percolating in real time.


Practicing your tarot skills? Like a lil book club moment? Jump into our monthly study group and tarot swap where we bridge the gap between study and praxis.


Creating a spread to figure out if your friends would make a good collective?

Want a second opinion on the cards you pulled this morning, journaled about (in your Memorization & Personalization Notion workbook perhaps?) but still don’t totally get?

The Intuitive Strategies Network feed and chat are the perfect place to engage, learn from others, or ask a question.

What Intuitive Strategies Network Members say…

Grace, Founding Member

“I am so deeply thankful that I encouraged myself to join Tarot in Community. I have only been reading tarot for a year, and felt like maybe, this was not the space for me. And thankfully, I was so wrong.”

  • "Cyreé is an incredible teacher and facilitator - he is so intentional in the work he does and how he facilitates our learning in Tarot in Community through workshops, courses and discussions. His pedagogy is truly rooted in disability justice and accessibility for all. Cyreé makes so much room for different learning styles and paces, and is always open to adjusting Tarot in Community in order to meet our needs as students. I am often isolated in my tarot practice, and it is also so nice to be in community with other people who also practice tarot for self and collective liberation. My connection and relationship to tarot has deepened so much since I joined Tarot in Community, and I am so thankful that I get to be part of such a special community."

V, Founding Member

“Tarot in Community has been a warm, generative space to engage with tarot in an embodied way since its launch. I have been studying and reading tarot for over a decade, and still I find that the courses, workshops, and discussions hosted in Tarot in Community are fresh, thorough, and dynamic in ways that I haven’t experienced before.”

  • "Cyree fosters a collaborative approach to learning without setting down his responsibility as a facilitator—and this makes Tarot in Community feel safe and rigorous without ever being stifling.

    Tarot in Community is also fun, lively, and exciting on top of being educational. Cyree has offered a dynamic and accessible range of formats for his content and the group participation keep things feeling energetic as we all learn together.

    The range of Cyree’s tarot knowledge, lived experience, and skills as a teacher all shine in Tarot in Community and I am so grateful to be a part of it."

Founding Member

“Tarot in Community is an incredible resource for tarot readers at any stage with the cards. There is so much room for discussion, questions, and thoughtfulness.”

  • "I needed nuance to my readings, and a leftist space/community to engage with when I had questions or needed deeper understanding of the cards. I learned at my own pace and learned so much. I felt set up for success and the courses exceeded what I would have expected. I feel deeply connected to tarot and my own spirituality."

It’s a fit if you…

Believe in the power of intuition and intuitive technologies like tarot, playing cards, dream interpretation, and herbalism to change the tide of liberation movements alongside other tools and tactics.

Are looking for an intuitive community with leftist values, that strives towards liberation and justice for all people.

Feel ready to participate in group discussion, rigorous (yet easefully paced) study, and skill-building practice.

Strive to apply what you know and your skills for the purposes of surviving capitalism and collective liberation.

It may not be a fit if…

You’re really into starseed conspiracies, are an anti-vaxxer, or something like that. Sorry that’s not what the space is for.

Prefer a learning environment that’s fast-paced, short-term, or oriented toward a single goal that means you can “fall behind in coursework” or “need to catch up.” That’s not the way I see teaching or learning. Your own pace is the right pace!

Like your politics separate from your spirituality — if you feel like never the twain shall meet, Intuitive Strategies Network can’t support that orientation.

Feel lukewarm about deepening your intuition or whether it’s a useful tool. Intuitive Strategies Network invites your passions, your curiosities, your rigor, and your ideas. Lukewarm ain’t the vibe!


Ready to politicize your intuition? Learn at an easeful pace.

Here’s what makes Intuitive Strategies Network a great choice…


Write one of the main takeaways or transformations that your student will leave with from this program. Or, you could write about different touch points of your program like weekly calls or 1:1 sessions.


Write one of the main takeaways or transformations that your student will leave with from this program. Or, you could write about different touch points of your program like weekly calls or 1:1 sessions.


Write one of the main takeaways or transformations that your student will leave with from this program. Or, you could write about different touch points of your program like weekly calls or 1:1 sessions.

 Pick the plan that works for you:



You’ll get:

  • Queer, spirit-led community

  • New class every quarter

  • Monthly workshops

  • Monthly opportunities to read for others

  • Tarot & intuitive development study group

  • Phone and computer compatibility

  • Compassionate instruction design

  • Price locked in and will never increase

  • 15% discount for readings

  • Priority application for mentorship


Save $100 when you pay in full and you'll also get a free 1-on-1 coaching session to help you work on something specific within your practice.



You’ll get:

  • Queer, spirit-led community

  • New class every quarter

  • Monthly workshops

  • Monthly opportunities to read for others

  • Tarot & intuitive development study group

  • Phone and computer compatibility

  • Compassionate instruction design

  • Price locked in and will never increase

  • 15% discount for readings

  • Priority application for mentorship

Pay for the full year plan today and get a free coaching session!

A free 1-on-1 coaching session to help you work on something specific within your practice.



Gain an understanding of your ethics as a reader, and how tarot squares with your larger values matrix with this six-week course.


Brush up on tarot’s Major Arcana in less than a month, while learning how these archetypes are at play from government to the grocery store in this 22-day sprint.


Tarot’s acolytes make power visible in the cards. Learn what they mean, what they symbolize, and scheme on what the world may look like without them.


Do you know how to create a container to read? How do people pick a answerable question? How do you close the space and release the spirits and energy you work with? These are the questions that guide our work in this course.

Info from my students

Click play on the video below to hear what my former students have to say

Dionne-Obadiah, Former Queer Tarot Mentee

“Queer Tarot Mentorship is a gift to the gifted who have praying for an opportunity to finely tune their skills. I went in knowing I was called to begin a public tarot/divination service but felt a tinge of self-doubt that could only be quelled with reputable training and deep study. Within this mentorship, I felt as if I was able to learn the skills and gain the confidence to safely read tarot for the public within a container that welcomed my whole self and ever-curious nature. I’m eternally grateful for this mentorship and Cyrée Jarelle for imparting his knowledge and deep care for tarot and our communities.”

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Nope! And also:

    A. what we call psychic intuition can sometimes be developed.

    B. You definitely don't need to be psychic to be intuitive.


    C. If you're not psychic, you'll need a high-level knowledge of intuition to read well for yourself and others

  • Doors open again at the end of September once the waitlist is closed :)

  • That depends!

    Tarot in Community will give you a dedicated course of study. You'll get to vote on it.

    You'll learn from and interact with people with diverse relationships with tarot.

    You'll have opportunities to practice and learn that are hard to find elsewhere.

got other questions?
contact me at and I'll be happy to answer.

Meet Your Instructor, Cyree Jarelle Johnson

I’ve helped queers, feminists, witches, and otherwise marginalized folks connect to the divine for the last 13 years at Collective Cartomancy (fka Temperance Queer Tarot and Queer Queen of Cups Tarot) (champagne for my old selves.)

I guide people through the alternate possibilities for their lives with tarot and cartomancy. I am the third (known) clairvoyant in my matrilineal line. I have been studying and reading tarot cards for twenty-three years.

I have an adorable familiar/assistant named Brad the Cat, in case you were wondering who the little man walking by was during your reading.

 Pick the plan that works for you:



You’ll get:

  • Queer, spirit-led community

  • New class every quarter

  • Monthly workshops

  • Monthly opportunities to read for others

  • Tarot & intuitive development study group

  • Phone and computer compatibility

  • Compassionate instruction design

  • Price locked in and will never increase

  • 15% discount for readings

  • Priority application for mentorship


Save $100 when you pay in full and you'll also get a free 1-on-1 coaching session to help you work on something specific within your practice.



You’ll get:

  • Queer, spirit-led community

  • New class every quarter

  • Monthly workshops

  • Monthly opportunities to read for others

  • Tarot & intuitive development study group

  • Phone and computer compatibility

  • Compassionate instruction design

  • Price locked in and will never increase

  • 15% discount for readings

  • Priority application for mentorship

Still unsure if Intuitive Strategies Community is a good fit?

I’m happy to answer any relevant questions you may have. You can get in touch with me at the button below!