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Intuitive Strategies for Surviving Capitalism: Job Seeker Edition

A key on a light blue background

Tarot and other intuitive work can help you find (and keep) a job!

I know because it's how I find and keep jobs. And anybody who knows me knows I stay with a job. He's booked and busy, baby! Sometimes too much even! (We all have our faults. My work boundaries are something I'm, well, working on.)

There is no spiritual work that I have done for myself that has been more impactful than my work around jobs.

Ain't no shame in my game when I lay down some work to make my work life easier, more efficient, or even plain better! This country hates employing trans people, Black people--and every identity I hold.

It can be hard to catch a damn break!

Through intuition, conjure, and ancestral veneration, I find the alignment and flow I deserve.

There are three points of intuitive intervention that I find meaningful for job seekers:

  • When You're Looking For a Job

  • When You're Interviewing For a Job

  • When You Start a New Job

So that's what we'll cover today! Think I should turn these intuitive strategies for surviving capitalism into a longer series? Let me know in the comments!

Let's dive in!

Tarot for Job Searching

Using tarot for your job search starts with asking the right questions.

Try to think about what exactly isn't working. Have you been unable to find job listings that fit your skills and abilities. Are the companies you've seen listings for been places you know to have poor quality of life? Have friends and peers told you about workplace violations?

Consider starting a new card pull with one of these questions:

  • Where should I look for a job where I'm not currently looking?

  • What sort of workplace best suits my needs?

  • Where can I work that would bring me the comfort and ease I deserve?

When we ask open ended questions to tarot, it can reveal possibilities beyond what we knew to exist.

This is what's needed for a job search because some of the options are unknown or unfound.

Other related questions include:

  • What sort of training might I need for the job I'd be best suited for?

  • Which job search site is the best fit for the kind of job I want?

  • How can I get out of my own way in this job search?

Tarot for Job Interviews

Ok, so you got the interview. Congratulations! What now?

Time to put on the best possible public face. Here are some questions I like to ask my cards when I am looking for work:

  • What's the workplace culture at the organization I'm interviewing with?

  • What kind of support exists for me to thrive in this position?

  • What's the leadership style of the boss I would be working with?

  • What should I know about my coworkers, or the team I would be working on?

  • How can I negotiate a better wage for myself?

Never forget you're interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you. You still have power in this situation, even if it's only the power to say "no."

Tarot questions before a job interview should concern more than whether you'll get the job. You can ask that, of course, but you could get the job and find yourself looking for another a few weeks later.

Try to use tarot to assess the fit of potential opportunities before accepting.

You can also work with tarot to accept a rejection by understanding why it occurred. Tarot can be the difference between blaming yourself and understanding the factors that went into that company's hiring choices

Tarot for Starting a New Job

After a long job search, or even a short job search, there can be a sense of trepidation.

Will you like your new workplace? How will you get along with your colleagues? Did you make the right choice in accepting the offer?

I always read on a new contract before signing, because life is too risky already. Here's what I ask:

  • What should I know about signing this contract?

  • How will signing this contract impact me?

  • What are the positive aspects of this contract?

  • What are the negative aspects of this contract?

  • What will be the ultimate outcome of signing this contract?

You can catch the spread below!

Tarot for New Contracts. What should I know about signing this contract? How will signing this contract impact me? What are the positive aspects of this contract? What are the negative aspects of this contract? What will be the ultimate outcome of signing this contract?

When starting a new job, it can be helpful to focus on how to get your work done, how to thrive in the workplace culture, and avoid the shitty parts of a job.

What questions do you ask tarot while job searching, interviewing, or starting a new job? Leave your replies in the comments!

Further Thoughts

Money Work for Anti-Capitalists

Houses & Husbands: Working with Saint Joseph

Using Playing Cards and Tarot to Get What You Want

Understanding Cards and Suits for Conjure and Spellwork (Diamonds)

Understanding Cards and Suits for Conjure and Spellwork (Clubs)

hey, i'm cyree jarelle. I run Temperance Queer Tarot. I help queers, feminists, and leftists connect with their intuition using tarot and cartomancy. More on me.


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