Queer Tarot & Cartomancy Blog



Strength: Boundaries & Protection
Tarot Cyree Jarelle Johnson Tarot Cyree Jarelle Johnson

Strength: Boundaries & Protection

Strength is about the parts of ourselves we may never fully understand, but for which we are still responsible. It rules our instincts, our highest wisdom, and the actions we must take to harmonize them.

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The Sun: Painful, Perfect Clarity
Major Arcana, Tarot Cyree Jarelle Johnson Major Arcana, Tarot Cyree Jarelle Johnson

The Sun: Painful, Perfect Clarity

As a rejecter of Pollyanna bullshit around tarot, rosy views of The Sun card are a major sticking point for me. Because The Sun may make us optimistic, it may get us pregnant, it may greet us on vacation, it may even make some shit better--but that’s not why it’s here.

In fact, The Sun barely cares about any of that.

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Justice: “White Man’s Paperwork”
Tarot Cyree Jarelle Johnson Tarot Cyree Jarelle Johnson

Justice: “White Man’s Paperwork”

No one actually believes tarot's Justice card means real justice.

A better term for Justice is "paperwork." It talks about everything official, everything documented, every document that can eventually be used to trap you or free you.

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TL;DR Tarot Card Meanings (Yes, All 78)
Cyree Jarelle Johnson Cyree Jarelle Johnson

TL;DR Tarot Card Meanings (Yes, All 78)

The Modern Phrasal approach is a novel method of learning tarot. It queers older card meanings by applying them to a wider context of human life. Each phrase is built for modern concerns, attention spans, and situations.

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